entrecote med brokkolini

Afterwork Entrecote!

Afterwork steak How about a juicy steak? 7 oz Entrecote with béarnaisesaus og french fries NOK 289,- Offer valid monday to friday before 18:00 at…

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Buy a Big Horn Gift Card for Christmas!

Do you want to give someone a gift card for Christmas that can be used in our restaurant? Give away a steakhouse experience at Big…

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steak and tomato

Weekend offer

2-course menu: Sirloin with pepper sauce and optional potatoes + chocolate fondant with blackcurrant ice cream and berries for dessert. The offer is valid Friday…

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entrecote with bearnaise and sides

Our ingredients

Our menu is inspired by American steakhouse dishes, made from carefully selected ingredients. We primarily use Gilde Extra meat from Nortura. In addition to a…

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